
Homemade Strawberry Cereal Bars

Homemade Strawberry Cereal Bars

Guest post from Super Healthy Kids. First I made the dough (full recipe below). Then, we rinsed, de-stemmed, and chopped up the strawberries in a food processor until smooth. I’ve also done this...

Category_Fitness and WellnessFlipping The Switch

Flipping The Switch

Let’s face it, many of us in America need to lose weight. And for that to occur, one thing has to happen: expend more energy than we take in. When this happens, our body turns inward and starts usi...

Category_EatSmart NewsNational S'mores Day

National S'mores Day

I just found out that Sunday, August 10 is National S'mores Day--OH JOY! For me, it immediately became a priority that I give some sort of recognition to this national treasure and not just simply ...

BookNever Waste Food Again! 10 Tips to Use Your Leftovers

Never Waste Food Again! 10 Tips to Use Your Leftovers

As a child, my parents often reminded me that there were starving children in the world, so I was told to either finish my food or don't take so much. Perhaps that’s why I try to use everything I ...

Category_Fitness and Wellness10 iPhone Apps for Tracking Kids Nutritional Needs

10 iPhone Apps for Tracking Kids Nutritional Needs

Guest post by journalist and health advocate, Suzanne Cullen. Keeping up with what your child needs, what she doesn’t need, and what she’s actually eating can be difficult, but it’s also essential...