
What is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage?
body fat

What is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

Body fat percentage is the proportion of your weight that is made up of fat. The rest of your body is comprised of bone, muscle, and other lean tissue mass. There are two types of body fat: storage...

BMIBMI vs Body Fat Percentages - What You Need to Know

BMI vs Body Fat Percentages - What You Need to Know and How to Measure at Home

BMI (Body Mass Index) and body fat percentage are popular measures to help determine your level of health and fitness. When used properly, they provide a more complete picture of your health than s...

Body fat scalesbody-fat-scales

The Differences Between the EatSmart Body Fat Scales: GetFit vs. Body Check

All bathroom scales measure your weight. However, weight alone is not an accurate indicator of health. A body fat scale can distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and pounds that come f...