
Grill Safety: 16 BBQ Hazards That Could Spoil Your Summer Party
Category_How To

Grill Safety: 16 BBQ Hazards That Could Spoil Your Summer Party

Our favorite summer parties include friends, family and delicious food from the grill. Whether it’s tender meats or savory vegetables, food just seems to taste better when it’s fresh off the grill....

Category_Fitness and Wellnesstips-for-exercising-in-summer-heat

13 Tips for Exercising Outdoors in the Summer Heat

Summer is the perfect time to head outside for workouts. However warmer weather can also bring extreme heat and humidity, making exercising outdoors challenging. With a little flexibility and prepa...

Category_Fitness and WellnessAn Added Benefit to Slathering on the Sunscreen

An Added Benefit to Slathering on the Sunscreen

While millions of people use sunscreen to protect themselves and their children from sunburn and developing skin cancer, researchers from Australia now have scientific evidence that daily use of su...