

Charity of the Month - Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation

EatSmart fans will continue to select a Charity of the Month in 2016. Fans will submit short stories about the charity’s mission and why it’s meaningful to them. We began our Charity of the Month donations in 2011. sean kimerling testicular cancer foundation logo We’ve selected the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation as our charity of the month for July. Our fan, Nina McHale, wrote to us,

My husband Paul was diagnosed with testicular cancer in the fall of 2015. It was not something the doctors expected since it's not a common form of cancer nor does it usually occur to men in their 40's. The good news is it's highly treatable with a very high cure rate. It's important for men to do a self exam and that is not something Paul or I were aware of previously. We knew that it was important for women to do monthly self exams but had not heard that men should also be doing them. The Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation stresses the importance of these exams and it's something that I urge men to start doing. This isn't a disease that only young men experience and early detection is important for improving survival rates.

The Foundation was established in memory of Sean Kimerling, the Emmy Award-winning anchor of WB 11 sports and pre-game announcer for the Mets. Sean died from testicular cancer on September 9, 2003. He was only 37. SKTCF Mission Statement: Raising Awareness of testicular cancer and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Providing Answers, and promoting Action in the fight against testicular cancer. SKTCF Vision Statement: SKTCF is the premier organization focused on the importance of testicular cancer awareness, early diagnosis, and treatment. The foundation has successfully positioned itself as the primary resource and destination for TC awareness information, and as a vital resource in the fight against TC. The foundation seeks an environment:
  • Where conversations about TC are open and without embarrassment or stigmatization;
  • Where health providers routinely perform testicular exams;
  • Where information is easily accessible to everyone;
  • Where diagnosis and treatment are addressed when the disease is in its earliest stages;
  • Where those impacted by TC are equipped for success;
  • Where opportunities to join the fight against TC are abundant;
  • Where no man needs to die from this disease.
For every new Twitter Follower we (EatSmartProducts) acquire during the month of July, we will donate 50 cents/follower to Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation. (So spread the word!)

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oen click to a good cause - sean kimerling charity for july If interested in submitting a charity for consideration, please email The donation amount will be capped at 500 new followers/likes.

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